Agro-Centre for

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Archive: 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
“Knowledge-based farming” – 0512
Project goal
The general aim of the Project is to promote training experiences on the job of high quality, entered in processes involving the mobility of persons in order to enhance their employability and participation in the labour market.
Duration of the project
July 2012 – June 2013
Macedonia / Netherlands
Target group
16 young farmers having a diploma or degree, between 18 and 40 years in search of first employment or unemployed, or already work on their own family farm living in Macedonia
Short description

The two-week training for 16 persons is tailored for the two groups which are divided according to the generally two types of farmers: Horticulturist and Livestock breeders. So, the program will have part that is applicable for ALL PARTICIPANTS focusing on key-issues in modern agriculture in the Netherlands: chain-management, quality systems, certification, tracking & tracing, Dutch IPM/crop protection, residue reduction, food safety certification systems like Global-GAP and tracking & tracing in food-chains. Also the general program will have practical on-site training. All participants will have practical workday with modern tractors and implements at PTC+ Dronten. 

For the HORTICULTURE GROUP separate program the focus will be in to work 3 days on a strawberry farm, with almost year-round production in glasshouse, plastic-house and open field with nursery for young plants covering the entire chain from propagation to marketing (direct sales at the farm and through Fruitmasters Auction) will be experienced. They will also visit company who produces >200 so-called ‘forgotten vegetables’ focusing on niche-markets like specialized shops and top-restaurants where only best taste is good enough.
For the LIVESTOCK GROUP the program will focus on to work 3 days at a modern organic farm with Jersey dairy cattle in Lunteren and visit a production plant for animal-feed. Visit to the Groenhorst College in Barneveld, school for secondary vocational education with focus on livestock.

All participants will have "Excursion day" to the West part of Holland: visiting FloraHolland Flower Auction Honselersdijk  (www.floraholland.com/en); Tomato World (www.tomatoworld.nl/en); Kees Greeve Greenhouses  (www.keesgreeve.nl/rs) and Anthura, producer of Anthurium and Orchid plants (www.anthura.nl). Also, visit of the Freshpark Venlo: excellent example of a so-called Agro-park where all kind of activities throughout the agricultural chain are concentrated is planned within this training program.

National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility - Macedonia
European Commission – Life Long Learning Program
LEONARDO DA VINCI PLM (People in the Labour Market)

Partner organizations
  • Horti-Match Holland
  • University of applied science CAH Dronten, Netherlands
“Contract farming” – 0412
Project goal
To deliver technical assistance in implementation of  Contract Farming activity through managing the team of specialists (individual providers of advisory services and FFRM’s technical specialists) engaged to evaluate deferent contracting models and facilitate/ support the implementation of the most viable ones
Duration of the project
May – October 2012
Target group
  • 8 Fruit and vegetable processing companies in Macedonia
  • Around 400 farmers producing raw materials for the processing industry
Short description

Facilitating the implementation of contract farming will contribute towards strengthening the competiveness of the Processed vegetables value chain (PV VC) and their products on local, regional and international markets.  More specifically, successful implementation of the respective activity will meet the following objectives:

  • Stabilize and secure supply of sufficient quantities of raw material for PV VC members
  • Introduce long term planning and stronger vertical integration of the VC
  • Increase the income and welfare of the farming community
  • Lobbying and advocacy in favour of the contract farming model

The proposed contract farming activity involve three consecutive sets of actions:

  1. Preparation, identifying terms and conditions and contracting
  2. Monitoring and provision of technical assistance during the growing season and commercial arrangements between stakeholders
  3. Monitoring of buyout, fulfilment of contracts & assessment of results
USAID – AgBiz program Macedonia
Partner organizations
  • MCG
  • Federation of Farmers in Republic of Macedonia
“Improvement of training in Agriculture – Macedonia” – 0312
Project goal
Drafting of the Agricultural Training Strategy for the programming of the IPARD funds.
Duration of the project
January 2011-May 2012
Target group
  • Managing Authority of the IPARD Programme of the Macedonian Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy.
  • Governmental Agency for financial support for agriculture and rural development (IPARD Agency);
  • Agriculture Faculties and Institutes of the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • Governmental National Extension Agency
Short description
Тhe Agricultural Training Strategy should include the specification of necessary activities and monitoring criteria in order to contribute to the measure template of the IPARD programme. The results of the project contribute to the further absorption of the IPARD assistance for the rural development resulting in a strong framework for support to the training system in agriculture. In the end the project will contribute to the improvement of the occupational skills and competences of persons engaged in agriculture, food, forestry and other economic activities in the rural area.
The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs (G2G Program)
Partner organizations
  • VRIAN projects B.V.
  • Wageningen University Social Sciences Group, Education and Competence Studies (ECS)
  • Van Hall Larenstein (VHL)
  • Aequor
“Leguminous crops as basis for organic farming in Macedonia - Legumac” – 0212
Project goal
Growing legumes as a basis in organic agriculture and better animal feeding
Duration of the project
March 2010-May 2012
Target group
Short description
The general objectives of the project include the following:
  • to determine the yield and quality of legumes in specific regions of Macedonia
  • to maintain biological diversity within the crop rotation and cover crop system
  • to adapt the concept of organic production in rotation/crop pure and mixed system, that allow leguminous to be more useful
  • to prepare simple schemes of crop rotations
  • to convert obtained results into new initiatives by farmers showing a possibility to rely on renewable resources in organic organized agricultural systems
  • to disseminate the results through media, farmers and interested citizens about the value of legume growing.
Government of Flanders
Partner organizations
Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO), Belgium; AgroBioInstitute, Bulgaria; Research Institute of Mountain Stockbreeding and Agriculture, Bulgaria
“Western Balkan Rural Extension Network through Curriculum Reform - WBREN” – 0112
Project goal
  1. To develop and improve the competencies of current non-formal education professionals, who will work alongside EU experts to create and deliver non-formal, modular based trainings to stakeholders in rural development.
  2. To introduce a 1 year, ECTS compliant Specialization in Rural Development (SRD) program at lead Western Balkan Higher Education Institutions.
  3. To establish Center for Rural Extension (CRE) at lead Western Balkan Higher Education Institutions which support SRD program and non formal education activities.
  4. To increase regional cooperation in rural development and extension / outreach within the Western Balkan Rural Extension Network.
Duration of the project
January 2010-January 2013
Western Balkan
Target group
Formal and non formal education providers
Short description
The project will address the deficiency and need for rural development curriculum reform in the Western Balkan region through the training, development, and implementation of rural development programs following 2 streams: formal and non-formal rural development education.
European Commission
Partner organizations
University of Reading, Czech University of Agriculture, Wageningen University, University of Helsinki, Agriculture University of Tirana, University of Korce (Fan S. Noli), Singidunum University, University of Novi Sad, University of Sarajevo, University of Banja Luka, State University of Tetovo, Goce Delcev University - Shtip, Federation of Farmers in the Republic of Macedonia, Moba Farm Association, Natura Balkanika Nature Society, Institute for Democracy and Mediation, Albanian Agro-Environmental Association, Agency for Cooperation, Education, and Development, Regional Economic Development Agency for Herzegovina, Sectretariat of the Regional Rural Development Standing Working Group in SEE

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