GreenPOP Project – "Green Program for Organic Production"
GreenPOP Project is funded with support from the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility within the EU Program Erasmus + Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership approved under Grant number 2014-MK01-KA202-000280.
The goal of the GreenPOP Project is to enable VET Providers in Macedonia to deliver innovative training programs and courses for sustainable (organic) agriculture with focus on practical (on-farm) training for:
Students from agriculture VET schools (from year 2, 3 and 4) as future farmers/employees, but also
Develop vocational short modular courses for agriculture entrepreneurs/farmers/workers. The project will enable delivery of the courses through capacity building of the teachers/trainers and potential work-mentors/organic farmers using innovative model of work placements for the learners.
Foundation Agro-centre for education (FACE) is non-profit organisation, founded in 2006. It is independent organisation with own government structure (Board of trustees).
The aim of FACE is development of the agriculture in Macedonia and the region, trough capacity building, based on non-formal and formal education.
This means that FACE will contribute towards strengthening the influence of the education over the sustainable agriculture, environmental protection and rural development, trough implementation of advanced educational programs in the non-formal and formal education.
Vision: FACE is a centre of excellence for development of human resources in the areas of agriculture, food production, environment protection and rural agricultural development in Macedonia and the region.
Mission: FACE’s education services satisfy the needs of the farmers, experts, industry managers, policy makers, civil servants and the NGO sector in Macedonia and in the region in areas of agriculture, food production, environment protection and rural development.