GreenPOP Project – "Green Program for Organic Production"
GreenPOP Project is funded with support from the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility within the EU Program Erasmus + Key Action 2 Strategic Partnership approved under Grant number 2014-MK01-KA202-000280.
The goal of the GreenPOP Project is to enable VET Providers in Macedonia to deliver innovative training programs and courses for sustainable (organic) agriculture with focus on practical (on-farm) training for:
- Students from agriculture VET schools (from year 2, 3 and 4) as future farmers/employees, but also
- Develop vocational short modular courses for agriculture entrepreneurs/farmers/workers. The project will enable delivery of the courses through capacity building of the teachers/trainers and potential work-mentors/organic farmers using innovative model of work placements for the learners.
The objective is to create an operational and accredited (verified) vocational education program in terms of lifelong learning modular courses for organic agriculture in Macedonia, implemented by trained and experienced educational staff.
Coordinator of the Project is Foundation Agro-Centre for education (FACE) from Skopje (
The project partners were chosen:
a) to provide a diversity of locations and situations where different approaches can be researched and tested and with different cultural and methodological approaches to agricultural and economic development; and
b) to provide the necessary range of competencies through academic and curriculum development, organic agriculture development, agricultural educational, scientific and marketing expertise, and expertise in entrepreneurship and farm development.
Partners of the Project are the following:
- International Foundation for Sustainable Agriculture Training (IFSAT) – The Netherlands
- Akureyri Comprehensive College/ Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri (VMA) – Island
- Nevares Institute of Agrarian Enterpreuners/ Instituto Nevares de Empresarios Agrarios (INEA) – Spain
- Balkan Biocert – Skopje
- Secondary School of City of Skopje “Brakja Miladinovci” – Skopje
- School of Secondary education “Kocho Racin”-Sveti Nikole.