“South East European Development Network (SEEDNet) on Plant Genetic Resources” – 0109
Project goal
Establishment of a regional network for cooperation regarding Plant Genetic Resources.
Duration of the project
January-December 2009
South East Europe
Target group
National and regional working groups on different crops.
Short description
The SEEDNet program was established, with the purpose of supporting the countries in their efforts to establish and strengthen national and regional programs on PGR Plant Genetic Resources) with special focus on conservation, utilization, collaboration and networking among stakeholders at both national and regional levels.
SIDA / SEEDNet Program
Partner organizations
Respective organisations from: Albania, Bulgaria, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Croatia, Kosovo, Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, Serbia & Slovenia.
(for detailed list go to this link )
“Adult learning methodologies for teachers in Agriculture High schools” – 0209
Project goal
Development of skills of the Agriculture High School (AHS) Teachers for delivering effective courses to Agriculture Advisors and others target groups, using adult learning methodologies
Duration of the project
January-March 2009
Target group
Agriculture High School (AHS) Teachers from 6 High Schools in Macedonia
Short description
FACE undertakes a training needs assessment of selected AHS staff and delivers training in adult learning techniques. These remedial training activities are used in order to build the capacities of the AHS in relation to providing training services to agricultural advisors and/or to other adults.
SIDA / MAASProgram
Partner organizations
Agriculture High Schools from Skopje, Prilep, Bitola, Resen, Tetovo and Kumanovo
“Shortcomings and perspectives in pepper production, processing and export in the Republic Macedonia Conference” - 0309
Project goal
Establishment and strengthening of the business relations between the vegetable growers and processors in the Republic of Macedonia
Duration of the project
January 2009
Strumica, Macedonia
Target group
The primary sector represented by growers, grower’s associations and the processing industry, on the other side.
Short description
The vegetable production in the Republic of Macedonia faces many problems that have been discussed on the Conference. In the same event scientific and research findings for agro-technological improvements have been presented. One of the most important conclusions was that there has to be stronger business relationships built among growers and processors of industrial pepper.
USAID/AgBiz Program, SFARM Project
Partner organizations
The Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, Institute of Agriculture, GRM International
“Agricultural Advisory – Research Liaison Office” – 0409
Project goal
Establishment of a network and methodologies for the exchange of information between researchers and advisors.
Duration of the project
March - October 2009
Target group
Researchers and advisors in agricultural sector
Short description
The Agricultural Advisory – Research Liaison Office was established, with the purpose to:
Establish an effective membership for the implementation of an advisory – research network
Prepare an annual programme for the exchange and dissemination of information between researchers and advisors
Define the specific methodologies as to how information shall be exchanged
Identify obstacles to research and advisory service providers in provision of an effective flow of information between the two groups
Utilise the services of FACE/MAASP to overcome these obstacles
Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of the Republic of Macedonia
Partner organizations
Institute of Agriculture, Institute of Cattle-breeding, MAFWE, Terra Consulting, The agency for development of the agriculture of RM, Federation of farmers in the Republic of Macedonia, MAASProgram, Macedonian Chambers of Commerce
To make homogenization of quality, quantity of yield and other agro economical characteristics of local population of bean -Tetovski grav trough classic selection methods in order to be redistricted as a species in EU market.
Duration of the project
January 2009 - December 2011
Target group
Short description
Consultant services for Ministry of agriculture with local experts in identification of main local species, field trails and molecular analysis of local population of bean - Tetovski grav.
Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy of the Republic of Macedonia