Agro-Centre for

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Archive:2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006
"Training for production technologies of white cheese, onions, beans and apples" – 0214
Project goal
The general aim of the project is an efficient implementation of trainings to the population in rural areas, where farmers were able to gain basic knowledge about technology for the production of white cheese, beans, onions and apples including good agricultural practice, quality assessment of risk, monitoring, corrective action and conduct records.
Duration of the project
April 2014- December 2014
Target group
Young farmers and women farmers in the rural areas of Polog and Pelagonia regions.
Short description

In cooperation with the Federation of Farmers of Republic of Macedonia within the project “Experience the healthy rural life”, FACE organized four two-day trainings in “Training technology for the production and implementation of good agricultural practice of beans, onions, apples and white cheese”.

Short description:
• Providing four two-day trainings including theoretical and practical part with focus on good agricultural practice, safe use of recognized and approved pesticides in cultivation of certain cultures.
• Identify the risks of applying outdated production technologies and application of recommended practice.
• Application of before and after-harvest practices for maintaining the quality of certain crops
• Introduction of standards of hygiene and safety in the production of milk and dairy products.
• Principles of proper monitoring and guidance for conducting performed daily activities and care treatments
• Field education ( visiting farms and field activities)


European Commission (IPA- EU Program for cross-border cooperation with Republic of Albania 2007-2013)

Partner organizations
Federation of Farmers of Republic of Macedonia
"AGENT Project - Agricultural Entrepreneurship Training" – 0114
Project goal
The objective of AGENT Project is to meet the main needs of students to enhance their employability and improve the prospects of their future careers, increase their sense of initiative and entrepreneurship and to increase motivation to participate in the future (formal / informal) education or training after the mobility of two weeks abroad. Coordinator of the Project is Foundation Agro-Centre for education (FACE) from Skopje (www.face.org.mk)
Duration of the project
June 2014- May 2015
Target group
Thirty VET Students from 5 agricultural schools in Macedonia
Short description

The National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility within the Erasmus + Key Action 1 Vocational education and training, mobility of students approved under Grant number 2014-1-MK01-KA102-000014 the AGENT Project (AGricultural ENtrepreneurship Training).

Short description:
• Activities before the mobility (mainly organized by the Nacional VET Consortium and the Coordinator of the Consortium – FACE). This includes actions such: Selection of the participants and accompany persons; Preparation and signing the agreements, the on-line linguistic support; organizing international transport; Preparation of detailed program of activities;
• Actions during the mobility (mainly organized by the host organization) include: Implementation of the learning program; Accommodation and food for the participants; Local transport; Cultural and study visits.
• Actions after the mobility (mainly conducted by the members of the National VET Consortium and learners) include: recognition of the learning outcomes; reporting; dissemination of project results; monitoring and evaluation.

European Commission (Erasmus+ Program)
Partner organizations
National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility

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