Workshops “Innovative agricultural business models for urban markets in Macedonia”
Organized by the Foundation Agro-Centre for Education (FACE) in cooperation with the University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein from the Netherlands ( on 03th and 04th of December 2012 two workshops was executed in Skopje and Stip on the topic "Innovative agricultural business models for urban markets in Macedonia".
The concept of Metropolitan agriculture through the models of so-called "Living labs" was presented by Dr Ir Rik Eweg - Professor of Applied Science and sustainable agribusinesses in urban areas and Dr Ben Rankenberg - Professor of Entrepreneurship and Farm Management, both from the University of Applied Sciences Van Hal Larenstein. The event was moderated by MSc. Ljupco Tosev - Executive Director of FACE.
Participants of the first workshop (3th of December 2012) were professors and students of the Faculty of Agriculture and Food at the University "St. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, and in the afternoon workshop was implemented in front of students and professors from the University "Goce Delcev" Agricultural Faculty in Stip. There were present and other stakeholders, such as students and teachers from Secondary Agricultural School from Sveti Nikole.
On the second workshop (on 4th of December 2012) representatives of the business sector, educational institutions, ministries, local government representatives and service providers in the field of agriculture attended. Stakeholders were together to create a regional knowledge and project agenda. These will be the base for the development of a ‘living lab’. In this ‘living lab’ entrepreneurs, governmental policy makers, researchers, advisors, teachers and students work on projects that create new business plans fitting in the concept of ‘Metropolitan Agriculture’. A development project for this living lab will be one of the project outcomes. |